Anurag Yagnik

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'Worth': Radiolab's excellent follow-up to Gawande's 'Being Mortal'

It is fascinating when one medium generates the story and another takes it up and instead of mindlessly exploiting it, adds value and insight providing an even greater engagement to the audience. Its like how scientists build on top of one another's work to come up with more evolved and useful systems. 

Radiolab's recent podcast episode titled 'Worth' is just such an epilogue to Atul Gawande's new popular book 'Being Mortal'. I had recently enjoyed the book a lot and I ended up liking the radiolab episode a lot as well. 

The Radiolab episode has 3 stories in it dealing  with intriguing topics about monetary worth of things that are extremely hard to assign a monetary value to. It is definitely worth a listen even if you haven't read the book.