Anurag Yagnik

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== 8.30 pm ==

Apple finally made Aperture 1.5 available as a demo download. I've been attracted to Aperture simply because iPhoto is pretty primitive and doesn't suite my needs exactly. However, just to prevent myself from having to deal with another tool, I've tried hard and told myself that the step $300 price is what is going to keep me away. With the free demo version it is not an issue anymore and I cannot help it. I download the demo version about an hour ago and spent some time reviewing some of the online tutorials. I know that at the end of the month I will be paying Apple three hundred dollars. I know it but I am doing it anyway.

I've started importing my iPhoto library (about 11,000 photos) at 8.51 pm. I choose to duplicate it in the Aperture library. It is working hard on it now and it says it needs about another hour. I would be impressed if it gets everything in by 10.00 pm and is up and running without a glitch.

== 10.30 pm ==

All photos were imported around 10.25 so took about two hours. In true Apple fashion Aperture decided to simply not create any smart folders for me. The performace is so terrible that had I not known about the preview creation issue I would have probably quit now.

== 11.30 pm ==

Liking certain things but getting annoyed with others. Its been chewing up anywhere from 120 to 160 % of the CPU. Thank God for dual core.