I wake up early morning slap on the Apple Watch, pick up the iPhone and quickly check email while making a cup of tea and proceed to a solid half-hour of reading on the iPad. And then I move on to my iMac to do some real work....and then I go to work and spend the rest of the day with my faithful Macbook Pro.
That's how hopelessly connected my life has become. (and Apple-y, in case that wasn't apparent.)
Unfortunately for me - I enjoy it. I want to feel guilty but I struggle with that emotion in this context. I feel that at this age and stage in my life, the opportunities of old-fashioned human connection are few and far between. I feel being connected electronically is not only the best option but really the only option I have. I am not sure this is terribly different for others in similar circumstances.
I also feel I will be more connected to my kids if I stay connected with and via technology. I will tell you in 20 years how well it worked out - if you are still connected.
(Week #274 of the 300-week photo project)