Incompare is a fast, free, iPhone app that shows how your fitness is tracking compared to last year.
It is now up to version 2.0 and offers the following features.
View Duration and Distance for Health (Steps, Sleep, Active calories, Resting calories, and Weight) and Workouts (Running, Walking, Cycling, Swimming, etc.) sections for current Year to date.
Same metrics for last year to date and for the entire last year.
Daily averages for steps and sleep.
Drill-down into Workout types to see details of each workout of that type
Values in blue with a trending arrow when ahead of last year, in red when behind.
Total across all workouts.
Customize what and how you want to view your data
Privacy Policy
Incompare requires access to your health data. It asks for your approval on startup and can only access your data if you approve it. Incompare does all its processing on-device and no data leaves your device. I do not have access to any data.