Anurag Yagnik

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Magic5 swimming goggles

I've struggled to find a pair of swim goggles that would fit perfectly and not cause any discomfort or water leak during a lap. Recently I somehow came across an ad for custom-made swim goggles by Magic5 somewhere on the internet. I was a bit skeptical about their effectiveness, but I decided to give them a try.

The idea is relatively straightforward. You download their iPhone app and use it to follow instructions to use the depth-sensor camera to make a contour map of your face. It takes only a few minutes to do this. This map is then used to customize the goggles to better fit your unique face. They are priced under a $100 which seemed reasonable to me.

The goggles were delivered relatively quickly - maybe just over a week. They looked nice. Small and lightweight. After using them for 3-4 weeks, I can confidently say that they are the best swim goggles I've ever owned. They do not fog and do not leak.

I find this product to be a great use of technology to solve a very specific problem really well. I can easily foresee more and more wearables to be custom designed going forward. I am in for it!