Jump-shots are a photographic recipe for joy. They are fun to take and to enjoy watching later. They are surprisingly easy to take as well.
Here is my quick recipe for joy...
- Use a very fast shutter speed - anywhere above 1/500 will generally work. The shot above is 1/2000th of a second. The two below are about 1/600th of a second.
- Bend down a bit so that you get a wider perspective. Don't stand too close and make sure you have some background showing. Putting your subject smack in the center is easiest.
- Shoot on burst mode. Start shooting before the subject starts jumping and keep shooting after they are done.
- Discard all but one or two photos that capture the subject in air.
- A DSLR where you can control the shutter speed work better but the iPhone burst mode is perfectly fine.
- If there isn't enough light to bump up the shutter speed - go high on ISO and keep the aperture wide - to gain speed.
The shot above is from Week #293 and the shots below are quick samples from earlier.